“It shouldn’t be possible to lose yourself inside yourself, but I have become convinced that this is the only place where you can be truly lost”
“The warrior knows that their imagination is not a place to escape but to create. The warrior retreats into themselves not to hide from the world but rather to prepare for it”
“Genius isn’t about what you know; it’s about your insatiable curiosity for the unknown.”
“While I was attending a seminar on neuroscience and cognitive development, it was stated that gratitude may be the most significant lubricant to mental acuity and adaptability”
“The ultimate purpose of knowing your mind is not to be limited by it. The mind of the warrior is postured in humility and textured with gratitude, where it is most free”
“Your mind-set controls your mind, and this can be both good and bad. If your construction of reality has been shaped subconsciously by the influence of others and the experiences of your own life, you may be under the control of others far more than you realize.”
“In the most practical sense, what matters most is how you see life. Your internal mind-set designs your external world. If you believe the world is full of possibilities, it is. If you believe the world is filled with fascinating people, you will find them. If you believe the future is waiting to be created, you will create the future that is waiting for you”
“We don’t simply find the world we are looking for; we create it. This is why the warrior must know their mind. Your mind is where your future is formed”
“We have a warm word for living in the past: tradition. In the theological world, it’s known as orthodoxy, and in the world of science, it’s simply called truth”
“The only thing better than our imagining a better life is creating it. The only thing better than imagining a better world is creating it. The warrior understands that the world’s best future will not come without a battle. You must fight for the future that you dream of. The warrior does not fight to hold on to the past but rather to take hold of the future. The future belongs to those with the courage to create it. This is the way of the warrior. The warrior remembers but does not look back. The future is coming from only one direction and that’s forward. The warrior has learned that if their mind is lost in the past, they will lose their future.”
“Your mind-set is the filter through which you see your potential futures. If you enter into life with optimism and hope, you will see an endless number of futures filled with optimism and hope. You will see possibilities and opportunities all around you. You will see wonder and beauty. You won’t see just one choice that could lead to a more beautiful future.”
“Have you ever considered that what you allow to shape your mind is what shapes your perception of the opportunities in front of you? That’s why when you are full of fear, every possible future seems terrifying. That’s why when you carry inside your soul wounding and brokenness, every potential future is fraught with disappointment and betrayal. Your mind-set shapes how you see reality, but more important, it shapes how you see your future.”
“When we have confidence in things hoped for, we are instantly connected to the future”
“Hope cannot exist in the past. That’s called regret. Hope can exist only in the future. Faith connects us to the future. It also shifts the parameters of our limitations. When we have assurance in things seen, we are limited by what we have, by what we know, and by what we can prove. When we have assurance in things not seen, we now add to our resources everything that exists in the realm of mystery, uncertainty, and endless possibilities.”
“The warrior must win the battle in their mind against fear, doubt, and hate and walk courageously into a future revealed only through faith, hope, and love.”